Four Important Things Most Parents Don't Realize about Anger
I don’t know about you, but when my child gets upset I just want him to stop. Obviously, I don’t like that he is mad for him, because I...

Who's the Boss? How play therapy works.
Above is a picture of a sink I just met, but already love. Why does this sink excite me so? It is being installed in my soon-to-be-open...

Little Anxious Bosses?: One Thing a Parent can Do
In my last blog, I shared how one sleepless night I made the disturbing realization that cartoons might send young children unintended...

Young, Anxious and Bossy, but Why?
Have you heard the stories of various children who drove off in the family car headed to McDonald’s or grandma’s? Or have you...

What to Do When a Young Child Rages
Does your child ever have major tantrums? When I say ‘major,’ I mean thrashing about, knocking furniture over or even trying to attack...

Beware of the "I Told You So" Tendency!
I don’t know about you, but whenever I made a mistake growing up I usually heard “I told you so.” While that certainly might have been...

Be the Change You Want: Advocating for your Child
I’m not going to lie and claim I am the expert at advocating for my children. The truth is, I tend to tread lightly with others because...

Why Won't Our Kids Just Believe What We Say?
I truly believe that the words we say to ourselves is what we come to believe. Therefore we want children develop positive self-talk. ...

Be a Zoo, not a Circus
I don’t know about you, but life in my home is pretty hectic each day. With the Barnum & Bailey Circus closing a few months ago, I found...

Not Afraid of the Dark (for now)
My three year old recently proclaimed he is no longer afraid of the dark. How did that happen? Well, for one thing we didn’t make him...